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Resources. Reputation.

Hold Parties Responsible For Your Construction Site Injuries

Construction is a dangerous industry, but you could not have anticipated being injured on the job. Now you are looking at large medical bills, and you may have trouble returning to work if your injuries prevent you from doing your job. Some construction injuries happen because of a defect with the equipment or a dangerous material. We can help you seek compensation for your recovery.

Many parties are often involved in construction projects. It is possible that a third party is liable for your work injuries. We know how to hold that party responsible.

We Understand Your Needs

When a product or substance is produced incorrectly or fails to warn you about its dangers, the manufacturers are responsible for any injury it causes. Maybe you were hurt because of an equipment malfunction or contact with a toxic chemical. You have every right to bring a lawsuit, but you will want to have a skilled attorney at your side who knows how to successfully navigate this process.

Morey & Upton, LLP, is a premier personal injury law firm. Each of our lawyers has decades of experience and the resources to hold any entity accountable for your suffering. We have experience obtaining compensation for victims of construction site injuries. Choose a strong legal ally who understands your situation and your needs.

Learn About Your Options Today

Legal construction issues can get complicated because of the number of parties involved. We can sort through your situation and explain your options. We will be with you for every step of the process.

For a free consultation, you can contact us online or call us at 800-360-6646. We are in Costa Mesa and work with clients in Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County and those located throughout the state of California.

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Over 250 Million Dollars In Verdicts & Settlements

$10,275,000 Settlement
Construction Site Accident

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Construction Accident


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