Every year, traffic accidents continue to take lives in California and across the country. A number of organizations and individuals have come together to form the Road to Zero Coalition, aiming to achieve zero traffic fatalities by 2050. The coalition’s spokesperson noted that over 100 people are killed every day on American roadways, a figure that often goes unnoticed despite the significant toll. She noted that it may seem difficult or impossible to achieve the coalition’s goals in slightly over three decades to come, but the commitment obtained in terms of resources and technology can have a significant impact on its success.
The coalition includes 675 members from government, safety institutions, trucking companies and industry associations. All of them have pledged their support for its goals and the recommendations contained within its report. Fatal accidents have been on the rise after several years of improved statistics. Large truck crash fatalities reached 4,317 in 2016, a 5.4 percent increase over the prior year. While 722 of those killed were inside the trucks, the vast majority of fatalities affected other vehicles involved in a crash. The problem isn’t limited to trucking accidents, however; overall fatal crash numbers have also risen.
In 2016, 37,461 people lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents, also an increase of 5.6 percent over the previous year. The coalition urged a number of actions that could improve roadway safety, including intensified seat belt usage and enforcement. The report also urged the adoption of safety technologies that could reduce the risk of serious accidents.
Truck accidents can be particularly deadly and dangerous, causing catastrophic injuries and lifelong disabilities to occupants of other vehicles. People who have been harmed in such a crash through no fault of their own can turn to a Costa Mesa truck accident injury law firm to pursue compensation for the losses that they have incurred.