Many trucking companies in California and across the U.S. are looking to vehicle devices as a way to improve safety for both their employees and others on the road. These devices include collision warning systems, lane departure warning systems, in-cab cameras, truck event recorders and roll stability control.
One especially important safety device is the speed limiter because speeding is the number one driver-related factor behind the rise in truck crashes in some states. From 2014 to 2018, Florida saw the number of truck crashes jump from 23,515 to 32,513.
Speed limiters are on all trucks built in the U.S. since 1992, yet their use is not mandatory. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration did propose a federal mandate after being urged by various truck safety advocacy groups, but this proposal was rejected in 2017.
Companies that use speed limiters, in addition to the other devices mentioned above, appear to be seeing positive results. Maverick Transportation, a company with a fleet of over 1,800 trucks, only had to report one accident to the Department of Transportation in 2018, and the CEO links this to the use of safety tech. Maverick sets all its speed limiters to 65 mph regardless of what the speed limits are like in other regions.
Some truckers speed in order to make up for lost miles; most are paid by the mile, not by the hour. When such negligence leads to an accident, those who are injured may consider filing a claim against the trucking company. This is where a consultation at a Costa Mesa truck accident injury compensation law firm may be beneficial. The lawyer might hire investigators to obtain proof of negligence, which could range from eyewitness testimony to camera footage. The lawyer may then be able to negotiate for a settlement.