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Amazon makes policy changes to address defective products

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2021 | Defective Products & Machinery |

In a previous post, we discussed a federal case against retailer Amazon filed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The lawsuit is one of the dozens filed over the years attempting to hold the company liable for any defective products it sells on its site.

Recently, however, the company announced a change to their policy in an effort to resolve these complaints – and possibly stave off new regulations.

Going “far beyond our legal obligations”

The new policies mean that Amazon will pay consumers directly if their defective product claim is worth $1,000 or less. Reports note that these represent roughly 80 percent of all defective product claims.

Previously, buyers had to go to the seller for their claims. However, many sellers were non-responsive or denied a claim unfairly, and this process meant that Amazon was not liable for products sold on their platform.

By putting these policies in place, Amazon says it is “going far beyond” its legal obligations, which recent lawsuits say should include refunding all consumers for recalled products. The new policy reportedly addresses this situation, as well.

What does this mean for consumers?

The policy goes into effect in September. It will be interesting to see if the change truly helps consumers resolve product defect claims or if it will create more problems than it solves.

That said, you need not wait for companies like Amazon to step up and accept responsibility for selling defective products. And understanding different companies’ return policies and liability can be an overwhelming and frustrating undertaking for someone who may also be coping with a severe injury.

However, legal complexities do not mean a person should accept less than they deserve for injuries caused by a defective product. And companies often go to great lengths to shield themselves from liability and minimize any financial penalties they may face. Thus, if you have suffered an injury from a defective product, taking the time to assess your legal options and consult an attorney can be crucial.

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