If you suffer a head injury, such as after you’re involved in a car accident, it may leave you feeling fatigued. Many people are tempted to sleep, but others around them may tell them that it’s dangerous to do so. They’ll try to keep them up and warn them that sleeping after a concussion can lead to severe brain trauma and even death.
But this is not actually true, and it is just an old myth. In fact, sleep often helps the body heal, so it may be beneficial to sleep after a concussion. If there are no severe symptoms, sleep may be one of the best things for you. So why do so many people believe the opposite?
Masking symptoms
The problem is if you don’t actually have a concussion. You have a more serious traumatic brain injury (TBI). Going to sleep masks your symptoms and people can’t see if they’re getting worse.
For example, maybe you have a subdural hematoma and there is bleeding in the tissues around your brain. This leads to some concussion-like symptoms initially, which is why you believe you have a “minor” brain injury. You decide to go to sleep to see if it helps your brain recover.
But if the bleeding continues, your symptoms should begin to get more pronounced. You could have trouble with balance, and some people even experience things like seizures or passing out. If you’re awake at the time, it will be clear that medical intervention is needed. But if you are asleep, your symptoms could get worse without anyone around you noticing.
Seeking financial compensation
A serious injury could lead to high medical bills, lost wages and many other costs. Be sure you know how to seek financial compensation if you were injured due to someone else’s negligence.