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Drivers who are in a rush are more likely to cause accidents

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2024 | Auto Accident Injuries |

When you’re driving, do you ever feel like everyone around you is in a rush? Maybe the driver behind you is tailgating, swerving from side to side as they aggressively look for a place to pass. Maybe you consistently see drivers speeding up to try to make it through yellow lights, but actually running those red lights. 

Often, this happens just because people are not good at planning out their daily schedules. Someone may wake up late and leave the house 10 minutes after they wanted to, and now they are suddenly in a rush to get to work. If they simply had done some prior planning and left the house earlier, they could drive slowly and carefully and still get to their destination on time. But because they are running behind, they’re now in a rush, and they are more likely to do things like breaking the speed limit, running red lights, tailgating, passing aggressively and much more.

This can even lead to road rage

In some cases, drivers who are in a rush are more likely to experience road rage. If you are driving along at the speed limit, the driver behind you may feel that you are personally holding them back. They start to blame you for the fact that they are going to be late for work. It’s not actually your fault, of course, but that other driver is thinking emotionally and not rationally.

It’s very dangerous to share the road with drivers who are constantly in a hurry or driving aggressively and making significant errors. One of them could cause a serious accident in a split second, and you could suffer severe injuries. If you do, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation.

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