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Why people can fail to notice brain injuries after a crash

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2024 | Auto Accident Injuries |

Motor vehicle collisions can cause a variety of different, potentially debilitating medical issues. Sometimes, people sustain injuries that require immediate medical attention. Their symptoms are so obvious that it is impossible to overlook their injuries.

Other times, people may have injuries that start off small and slowly worsen. They may sustain stable traumatic injuries that are hard to identify or internal injuries that don’t have symptoms until they reach a major tipping point.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most serious car crash injuries that people may incur. Despite the significant, long-term damage these injuries can cause, people frequently overlook TBIs immediately after a car crash. Why do people fail to notice brain injuries after a crash?

The variety of potential symptoms

TBIs can present in several different unique ways. The location of the injury, the severity of the initial trauma and other factors, like the individual’s health, may influence how the TBI manifests. People who don’t understand the broad range of potential symptoms can overlook the early warning signs of a TBI.

For example, some people pass out after sustaining a brain injury, possibly only for a few seconds. Others experience nausea or a headache. TBI symptoms range from sensory perception issues to changes in motor function. When every case is different, it is quite easy for people to overlook concerning symptoms until they persist for days or begin to worsen.

The body’s response to trauma

The trauma or stress response that occurs after a car crash can cover up the symptoms of a TBI. People’s brains flood their bodies with chemicals that can cover up pain symptoms. They may also have a surge in energy that can distract them from the initial warning signs of a potentially serious injury.

Most people cannot accurately diagnose themselves with an internal injury, such as a TBI. They need to see a medical professional to review their symptoms and undergo testing that can confirm the presence of a brain injury.

Learning more about serious injuries and physical responses to trauma can help people respond appropriately if they end up involved in a car crash. People with TBIs and other serious injuries may need help addressing their symptoms and pursuing compensation after a crash.

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