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Drivers texting at red lights remain distracted for some time

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2025 | Auto Accident Injuries |

There are numerous ways that people cause intersection crashes. It has become quite common for drivers to perform rolling stops where they slow down but don’t actually come to a full stop at red lights. Drivers also frequently fail to use their turn indicators to communicate their intentions to others in traffic. This can result in others making the wrong choice at an intersection.

Many intersection collisions involve a lack of proper surveillance. Drivers don’t check their surroundings carefully enough before proceeding through the intersection. They might hit another vehicle or even strike a pedestrian.

Surveillance-related collisions frequently involve distracted drivers. Many people think that a red light is the ideal location to check a text message that they recently received. They may not understand the degree to which their devices distract them.

Distraction persists after people set down their phones

Most people think that they can switch back and forth between multiple tasks without any issues. However, research into distraction and cognition shows that people cannot multitask or switch quickly between various different activities. Digital device use, in particular, can make it difficult for motorists to refocus their attention on their surroundings.

Those engaged in digital distraction, such as reading an email or composing a text message, experience protracted cognitive distraction. Drivers may struggle to refocus on their surroundings for roughly 27 seconds after they finish interacting with the mobile phone. That might mean that they travel almost half a mile without being fully aware of their surroundings.

Drivers who handle their phones at intersections can cause intersection crashes or may cause a wreck shortly after crossing the intersection. When motorists notice others near them in traffic handling their phones, that can be a key warning sign to give that distracted driver more space.

If a driver who had their phone in their hands at an intersection causes a car crash immediately afterward, cognitive distraction might be to blame. The other people involved in the wreck may need to alert police officers to the distraction of the driver at fault.

Holding distracted drivers accountable after a motor vehicle collision can help victims of distracted conduct cover their costs. Those who text at intersections may ultimately be liable if they cause collisions due to lingering distraction.

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